Blue Monster in Paris

Next week we’re heading to Paris again for what is probably one of the most exiting tech/web events in Europe: LeWeb. This year Microsoft is the main sponsor and so make sure you come and check us out. And while you’re at it, bring your business cards as Hugh Macleod will be a regular guest and he might just end up drawing a cartoon on the back of it ;)


We’re also going to bring some Blue Monster Sauvignon Blanc with us but more on that later. For those that would like to get a chance to get one of those right now already, I’m actually going to give away 6 bottles right here, right now. (that is 1 bottle per winner to be clear). All you have to do is let me know in the comments why you should win it. By the start of LeWeb next week I will pick the winners (with the help of Hugh) out of the hopefully numerous comments ;) Make it original. Oh and just so you know, these bottles aren’t for sale.

Come and say hi if you’re going to be at LeWeb. Go here if you’re interested in finding out more about the Blue Monster.


  1. JR Moreau says:

    I think I should win the bottle because:
    a) Blue is my favorite color
    b) I envision myself enjoying this fine bottle with a blue monster, possibly the Cookie Monster, except we’d probably have it with a sauteed seafood dish instead of cookies.


  2. I’ll give you the best reason: because I want it. I want to taste that Blue Monster fragrance and make everyone jealous by shouting out that I, Robin Wauters, had the chance to taste a limited edition of a wine that has something to do with Microsoft.

  3. There are many reasons I should get a bottle of wine.. and many I shouldn’t get one :-)

    – I’m the 1st to comment
    – I’m a student
    – I love wine
    – Like your blog
    – Can’t come to Leweb bc of pricing

    Hope this is convincing enough.. if not, I’ll come by and visit ;-)

  4. [wallie] says:

    ‘Cause I can’t be there next week and feel the urge to compensate with a major hangover… ;-)

  5. Because I want to drink it when Pieter De Crem has to step down, the first Belgian minister brought down by bloggers :-)

  6. Bertil Hatt says:

    Because I’m a big wine influencer (I’m often invited to dinner parties and am always asked to bring wine along; plus, I teach and could use your wine as an example in class) and I don’t assume your wine is good (Parisian snobism) — so you’d better try to convince me rather then most of the other commenters that are already convinced.

    I know I sound like an asshole writing that (I’m not) but you asked why we should win it, rather then others; the real social media thing would have been to ask us why someone else should get the wine, and offer it to whomever you came across at LeWeb.

    If you decide to change the rules, I’ll go with Maarten, because although I disagree with him, he’s got something to celebrate — and occasions are what people want to remember.

  7. Ed Eusebio says:

    Because, in the evenings, my in-laws gather to consume prodigious quantities of whiskey as they ridicule my lack of ambition, wherewithal, skills and courage. Their contempt for my love of the vine often comes into play during each crippling round of character bashing. My hope, against all, is that I may demonstrate, with your glowing bottle of Blue Monster Sauvignon Blanc, that I do occupy some tiny place of importance in this world, and that there are people who hold me in such regard as to place said delicious bottle in my hands. And then, with prized bottle raised high, I will stride out the door, empowered by your regard to accomplish great things. That, and I followed Hugh MacLeod’s tweet: GapingVoid here.

  8. Bart says:

    Because I left the most comments on your blog, even when there was no prize! And if that aint true, because I’ve posted the most lengthy comments on your blog, except for now :)

  9. Claudia says:

    Because I will offer you a free stay in my apartment in Manhattan whenever you want. Full privacy, I will even go and sleep somewhere else! You can come with your wife! Or you can come with Hugh… whoever you prefer to be your companion during those days!

  10. Kris says:

    1) Dead serious: because I collect wine labels.
    2) Because the blue monster will change the world if we all drink this delicious wine. And that’s why I would love to propose a toast to Microsoft!
    3) Because I feel sorry for being a freeloader and because I invented statement 1.

  11. Wim says:

    I should win a bottle because of the following:
    My father is a wine lover with a quite large wine collection. Every year I want to buy him some special wine for Christmass but either I don’t have the budget to buy him the wine he wants or I wind up buying the wrong wine.
    So this year I could give him some of this exclusive Blue Monster wine. It will be my best present yet.

  12. Ronna Porter says:

    Thanks for the offer Kris. I agree great wine is a brilliant social object when its in the right context, or as you do with Blue Monster to change the context. I’m having dinner with some South African friends this weekend and it always comes with great wine from their homeland. I’d say lets share a glass when we meet up next, but I’m expecting a good Belgian beer to be the order of the day then …

  13. Aaron F Stanton says:

    I should get it because I’ll change the world with it.

  14. Alan says:

    I think I should win because my wife has recently become a wine fanatic and loves to try new wines, especially ones with cool labels. Blue Monster has an outrageously cool label.

  15. Alan says:

    My wife has recently become something of a wine fanatic. She loves to try new things, and is especially fond of wines with cool labels. Blue Monster has an outrageously cool label. :) I think I would like to win one of your 6 that you are giving away right here, right now, to give to her.

  16. Michelle says:

    …because if I don’t get a bottle of Blue Monster wine then I will just have to stat on this blog whining about how I should have got one until you give in and send me one.

    And just in case you wondered I’m as good as whining as I am at drinking wine..

  17. pallavi says:

    because i just turned 21

  18. mroof says:

    Blue Monster wine will take my blues away from closing my small business at the end of the year due to economy. And then again, it would be used in celebration of how hard I worked the past 6 years in making it go. Yes, celebration that I took a bad company and made it reputable….. just not profitable now. Happy Economic New Year to all!

  19. Joanna says:

    Because I believe that when the poet Donald Hall wrote, “Synonyms do not exist,” he was talking about marketing, too.

  20. Matt says:

    Because I want to own a piece of Microsoft’s history that is the Blue Monster. Also, I really like good wine labels and Hugh’s stuff is by far my fav.

  21. abir says:

    there are so many things i’ve wanted but haven’t got – cool sexy gadgets, apartments with breathtaking views, thrilling cars …
    i want the bottle of blue monster too … the law of averages says i should! ;)

  22. Jeana says:

    I deserve to win this because I am a 30 year old single mother of two (One of which is a teenager) and I have NEVER been drunk a single time in my entire life!
    Now THAT calls for a drink… or bottle :)

  23. Hannah says:

    I should win a bottle of wine because I have already been telling the Blue Monster’s story to anyone who will listen, especially in church. And because I tell the best stories when I’m drinking wine.

  24. pallavi says:

    to win a bottle of wine
    is truly divine

  25. Kris Hoet says:

    And the winners are…

    @Ed: for a darn good reason
    @Claudia: for trying really hard here and on twitter :)
    @Bart: for indeed being a top commenter
    @Alan: for leaving 2 comments ;) and because it’s for his wife
    @mroof: as a support/celebration for your business and the hard work you’ve put into it
    @Jeana: because everyone should at least once get drunk

    I’ll email you all later! To the others, thanks for playing and keep an eye out for more Blue Monster goodness on this blog in the near future.

  26. Jeana says:

    Thank you so much! I can’t wait to try it!

  27. Zebulon says:

    Change your thoughts and you change your world.

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